SBVA By-Laws and Policies

By-Laws of the Stinson Beach Village Association
Amended February 2, 2019

Article I

The name of the organization shall be "Stinson Beach Village Association, Inc."

Article II


To act as a steward of the Stinson Beach Community Plan, to advocate on behalf of the community to preserve the rural atmosphere of the Village, and to provide a forum to promote communication regarding local, county, state, and federal regulations that affect all areas of the Village, including the commercial area, the hill, Panoramic, the Calles, the Patios, and Seadrift.

Article III

Section 1: Membership

All persons 18 years and over who satisfy any of the three following requirements will become members by registering with the Secretary of the SBVA: residents registered to vote in Stinson Beach; Stinson Beach property owners, including trustees of trusts; and Stinson Beach business owners may become members by registering with the Secretary of the SBVA.

Each member shall sign the membership roster when attending any regular or special meeting.

Section 2:  Funding

The Association shall be funded by contributions from the members of the community.  Such funding shall be used to support the activities of the SBVA for the betterment of the Village.

Donations are requested from members of the community once a year.

Section 3: Meetings

Regular meetings shall be held the first Saturday of every month and are open to all.

The Board may reschedule regular meetings and call special meetings from time to time with proper notice.

The Annual Meeting shall be held the first Saturday in February.

Section 4:  Non Discrimination

No one shall be excluded on the basis of race,  creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin.

Section 5:  Voting

Only registered members may vote.  A quorum of one-third of the members must be present to pass motions by majority vote.  In the absence of a quorum, the only matters that may be voted upon are matters for which proper notice was given, and passage of these matters requires an affirmative vote by a majority of the members present.

Section 6:  Amendments to Bylaws

Amendments to the Bylaws shall be presented at a scheduled meeting of the Association for a vote at the following scheduled meeting.

The amendment(s) shall be adopted if passed by a two-thirds vote of all members present.

Section 7:

The Board shall enact policies required to conform with governmental regulations.

Article IV

Expenditure of Funds

Section 1:  Annual Budget

Each year during January the Officers of the Association shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the membership at its Annual Meeting.

Said budget may include donations to organizations from within, or without, the community whose cause would be for the betterment of the Village.

Should it be necessary to exceed the budget, a motion shall be presented at a regular meeting of the Association for a vote at the following regular meeting.

Section 2:  Responsibility for Funds.

It shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer to monitor the expenditure of all funds.

All checks, or money related matters over $400.00, shall bear the signature of the Treasurer and that of either the President or Vice-President.

Article V


Section 1:  Directors

The Board shall consist of the following Directors:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicist, Representative to the Community Center Board of Directors, and Member-At-Large.

Section 2:  Elections

The election of directors shall be held at the Annual Meeting on the first Saturday in February.  In the event that elections cannot be held at the Annual Meeting, the directors then in office shall remain in office until elections may be held.  Any director who ceases to qualify as a Member, simultaneously and automatically vacates his or her office.  Should a position become vacant, it may be filled by appointment by a majority vote of the Board until the election at the next Annual Meeting.

Section 3:  Terms

All directors, except for President and Vice-President, shall be elected annually to serve one-year terms, beginning in March, except as hereafter provided.  The Vice-President shall be elected for a two-year term, the first year of which he or she shall be Vice-President; the second year he or she shall serve as President, beginning at the next Annual Meeting.  Should the office of President become vacant, the Vice-President shall serve as President for the remainder of the vacated term, and continue to serve as President for the remainder of his or her second year in office.  The election of a President at the Annual Meeting of February 7, 2015 shall be the only such election and is necessary to avoid a vacancy of that office during the first year of the adoption of this Bylaw.

Section 4:  Duties and Responsibilities of Directors

It shall be the responsibility of an Ad Hoc Committee to review periodically, and update as necessary, Article VII: "Duties and Responsibilities" to carry out more expeditiously the activities of the Association and to submit any revisions to the membership for approval.

Article VI


Section 1:  Purpose of Committees

Committees may be formed from time to time to study specific issues affecting the community and to report their findings to the Association.

Section 2:  Duration of Committees

Each committee shall be an Ad Hoc committee.  At the time of the formation of an Ad Hoc committee, its term will be set.  Term shall not exceed 12 months.  At the end of the term, the committee shall be dissolved unless extended by a vote of the Association membership.

At the end of the Committee term all correspondence, files, working papers, etc. shall be returned to the Association office for filing.

Section 3:  Committee Funding

Funding (if required) for an Ad Hoc committee shall be approved by the membership.

Section 4:  Committee Chair

The Committee Chairperson shall be elected by committee members.  The President or Vice-President shall sit on each Committee ahd shall sign any necessary correspondence generated by the committee on behalf of the Association.

Section 5:  Committee Reports

Committees are to make regular reports to the Association membership.

At the conclusion of the Committee's term, the Chairman of the Committee shall prepare for the Association a Summary Report of the Committee's activities.

Section 6:  Nominating Committee

The Nominating committee, consisting of the directors of the SBVA and up to three members who wish to participate, will submit a roster of candidates at the January meeting from which the membership shall elect officers at the Annual Meeting.  Nominations may also be made from the floor.

Article VII

Duties and Responsibilities of Officers and Directors

General Responsibilities of Directors

Follow the Village Association Bylaws and work to carry out the policies of the Association.

With the assistance of the Treasurer of the Association, prepare an annual agenda and budget that strive to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Association and carry out its policies.

Review the minutes of meetings prior to their distribution to the membership.

General Responsibilities of the President and Vice-President

Develop and maintain communications with those individuals, agencies, and community organizations whose decisions affect our community (i.e. County Supervisor, Planning Department, GGNRA, Fire and Water district, etc.).

Sign all communications that represent the SBVA.

The outgoing President shall prepare the annual Association Newsletter.

Inform the Publicist of forthcoming agenda.

Arrange for, and chair, all Association meetings.

Sit on and coordinate the work of Committees and sign all correspondence by those committees.

Prior to the March meeting, the outgoing Vice-President shall meet with the incoming Vice-President to discuss the responsibilities of the office and any issues facing the Association, thus ensuring that the new Vice-President is informed of his or her duties and responsibilities.

General Responsibilities of the Secretary

Keep and maintain up-to-date files of the current membership and mailing lists.

Make weekly backups of all digital files onto an auxiliary storage device. 

Keep meeting attendance rosters and encourage member signatures.

Take the minutes of the meetings (minutes to include a reccord of attendance) and review the minutes with the Directors before distribution to the public. Maintain copies of the minutes in the locked filing cabinet.

Keep working files on Village Association business; place completed project files in the locked filing cabinet; and pass open files on to the succeeding Seccretary at the end of his or her term.

Check the SBVA post office box daily and direct mail to the appropriate board members.

Prepare correspondence for review by the Directors and obtain the signature of the President or Vice-President prior to distribution.

Meet with and explain duties and responsibilities to any newly elected or appointed Secretary.

Prepare an outline, highlighting the events of the year (per the minutes) for the outgoing President's Annual Letter.

Manage the production and mailing of the President's letter.

Submit monthly invoices for clerical work and reimbursable expenses to the treasurer.

General Responsibilities of the Treasurer

Pay bills and maintain financial records of the Association.

Keep records of donations recieved and prepare Member Donation Reports for five months following the mailing of the President's Letter.

Present a monthly financial report at each regular meeting.

Section 5:  General Responsibilities of the Publicist

Post public notices, agendas of regular and special meetings, and SBVA minutes on the Village Association's Bulletin Board.

Place notices in local media, announcing monthly meetings.

Maintain and update the SBVA website.

Pick up at the Stinson Beach market refreshments for all meetings.

Promote membership.

Chair the Ad Hoc Membership Committee.

General Responsibilities of the Representative to the Community Center Board of Directors

Report on what is on the current agenda for the Community Center and effectively report to what is on the agenda for the SBVA at meetings of the SBCC board.

Purchase and deliver a baked good and two prizes, one for children and one for adults, to the SBCC for Spaghetti Bingo. Expenses will be reimbursed on presentation of receipts to the treasurer.

General Responsibilities of the Member-At-Large

Act as the spokesperson for the members and report this information to the board.

Consider how policy and procedural votes directly affect the members, make recommendations to the board, and vote on issues according to his or her judgment of the consensus among the members.

Keep current with and report on events and issues of interest within the Village.



Section 1: Conflict of Interest

Although not public officials, directors with a financial interest in the outcome of an issue/matter/application before the SBVA should refrain from speaking as a director or voting as a director concerning that issue/matter/application. All directors shall sign a Conflict of Interest Statement upon their election at the Annual Meeting.

Section 2: Document Retention

The SBVA shall adopt a Document Retention Policy as required by federal law.

Section 3: Whistle Blower Protection

The SBVA shall adopt a Whistle Blower Protection Policy as required by federal law. 



Reference Documents
Stinson Beach Village Association Bylaws
Stinson Beach Community Plan
Conflict of Interest
Records Management
Whistle Blower Protection